Dictation Software & Apps

Create a dictation & transcription workflow to suit how & where you work

Classic dictate / transcribe desktop software with networking capabilities or a complete dictation / transcription cloud solution to allow your team to create and access dictations from any computer or location.  Consider adding a voice recognition solution to further enhance your productivity. 

Need advice?

Contact our team on 1300 551 778 and we will be able to assist you with selecting the right solution to suit your working requirements and technical environment.

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  1. Free Shipping
    SpeechLIve Transcription Kit with USB Transcription Foot Control & Transcription Headset
    SpeechLive Transcription Kit
    Everything you need for 1x typist. Work from any computer
  2. Free Shipping
    SpeechLive Dictation & Transcription Starter Kit
    SpeechLive Pro Starter Kit - Inc Transcripiton Hardware
    Everything you need for 1x author & 1 x typist. Work from any computer
  3. Olympus ODMS Pro Dictation R7 Software
    *Discontinued* Stock still available
  4. Olympus ODMS Pro Transcribe R7 Software
    *Discontinued* Stock still available
  5. Olympus ODMS Pro Dictation R7 - UPGRADE
    *Discontinued* Stock still available
  6. Philips Voice Recorder App with Dictation Hub Service
    DISCONTINUED - See SpeechLive or Olympus ODDS App as alternatives
  7. SpeechLive Pro Cloud Dictation Solution - 12 Month Subscripiton
    Windows & Mac Compatible. Incl UNLIMITED tech support!
  8. Philips SpeechExec Pro Transcribe V12: 2-Yr License
    New Version 12 Release. Compatible with Windows 11 & 10.
  9. SpeechExec Enterprise V7 Dictation Solution
    Universal & concurrent licensing with central administration
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